Mom to Mom support is the cornerstone of La Leche League and can make all the difference on the journey of motherhood
Get Local Breastfeeding Support Right When You Need It
Both Allison and Bianca found La Leche League to be helpful on their mothering journey, They became volunteers to continue providing support and organizing meetings to carry on the unique benefit that mother to mother support provides.
How to contact us for help with Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding
Call or text Allison 228.243.5302 Bianca 228.233.0686 La Leche League Leaders are experienced breastfeeding mothers who have completed the extensive written training curriculum established by LLL International. Leaders assist mothers by answering questions specific to breastfed babies and help mothers find information and resources they may need. Leaders are available by phone or email to answer any breastfeeding questions or concerns you have. Please do not hesitate to contact a Leader for assistance |
Attend A Meet Up9:30a on the 4th Tuesday of each month - in person meetup.
Our meeting location changes, we meet in mother's homes. Text a leader or checkout events on Facebook for details. And of course, you can get in touch with a leader or post to our facebook group any day and any time. We are here for you. Click here to see what happens at a "Meet Up" Meeting details are announced prior to each meeting via email, text and facebook event JOIN Our email list for updates To sign up for meeting announcement via text, follow the directions below ( we usually text twice a month or update if there is a last minute change or cancellation) Meeting details on Facebook Events |
Our Purpose: To help the mother learn to breastfeed her baby.
To encourage good mothering through breastfeeding.
To promote a better understanding of breastfeeding and related subjects.
Our Vision: To realize, deepen, and share the love and wisdom
found in the breastfeeding relationship.
Has La Leche League Been a help to you and you want to pay it forward?
Make a donation to our group or get involved by volunteering
Make a donation here
Membership or payment to La Leche League is never required. However, if you would like to support our local group through a donation, it will be appreciated. "Membership" is $40 per year. The funds you donate are used to support Leader education, community outreach, and expanding our resource library.
Membership or payment to La Leche League is never required. However, if you would like to support our local group through a donation, it will be appreciated. "Membership" is $40 per year. The funds you donate are used to support Leader education, community outreach, and expanding our resource library.